Connecting with the Interpreter Community: Benefits of Membership and Networking

Connecting with the Interpreter Community: Benefits of Membership and Networking

As a hands-on profession, or as Dean and Pollard* have called it, a ‘practice profession’, interpreting goes beyond the classroom: Interpreters cannot effectively do their work with only theoretical knowledge, language skills and a code of conduct in hand. While language skills and ethical guidelines are essential, much of an interpreter’s expertise develops through real-world experience. Interpreting is an active, interpersonal, and intercultural profession where learning predominantly occurs on the job. But how can interpreters gauge whether their practice is enhancing their skills? Often, feedback from the agencies with which we work, though valuable, can be infrequent and may not fully capture the nuances of our role. Moreover, clear guidance is often scarce, leaving interpreters to navigate their professional growth largely on their own.

“As professionals, we need a professional organization to help us learn about new trends, new terminologies, and new techniques in this constantly changing world; we also need our peers and colleagues to exchange with and talk about our experience so that we can improve our skills; we need to learn new information and knowledge in our area and industry so that we can keep up with our professional standards; we also need friends in our area to interact with and to find support from. TIL provides me with all of the above. They are not only just a professional organization but also a big family. They also provide us with great opportunities to get professional training – we learn so much from the monthly professional development series. And I have certainly benefited hugely from these trainings. I just love TIL and I always recommend it to whoever loves their interpreting professionals. When you join TIL, you are not alone anymore, you are surrounded by a big and very supportive family!”
Swan – Member since 2021

The Interpreter Community in Canada

Community interpreting differs from other environments in that it seldom provides practical training or mentorship opportunities. Once formal training concludes interpreters must rely on their own resources and skills to manage their assignments, clients, agencies, and administrative tasks. Navigating this path can often feel isolating. That’s precisely why The Interpreter’s Lab was created – to offer a supportive community where interpreters can not only advance their professional skills but also foster personal and career growth. Our platform provides a space for interpreters to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other, enhancing peer support and guidance. Our members have a diverse range of experiences, from over 30 years to just a few months working as an interpreter, across multiple sectors including community, medical, legal, business, conference interpreting, and translation and localization work.

“The course has helped me in gaining employment and having applied what I learned makes my job a lot easier when I am interpreting.”
Manju – Student – 2022

Benefits of an Interpreter Training Membership

Working as an interpreter in community-based settings can have its challenges – finding training, getting support and achieving recognition. In Canada, a network of professional membership associations affiliated under the banner of CTTIC (the Canadian Translators, Terminologist and Interpreter’s Council) – such ATIO (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario, ATIA (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta) and STIBC (The Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia) provide access to credentialing and certified titles. While important, these associations do not focus their mandates strictly on the unique and nuanced role of the interpreter in community- based settings, nor on interpreter training.

The Interpreter’s Lab (TIL) is dedicated to elevating the status of interpreters who play a crucial role in community settings—acting as vital communication links between essential services and the clients who need them. While our membership programs offer tangible benefits such as monthly speaker series, masterclasses, and significant training discounts, our commitment extends further. We actively advocate for better working conditions and greater recognition for interpreters by engaging with key stakeholders nationally and internationally- emphasizing the indispensable value of interpreters, particularly in community, healthcare, and law enforcement sectors.

“If you want to improve and keep current as a professional, you need to be a member of the TIL
Jennifer – Member since 2021

Building Your Network

Connections and networks form the foundation of all professional fields, but they are especially critical in professions where practitioners are geographically scattered and not tied to a single organizational employer. These networks are vital for communicating with peers, sharing experiences, and learning from the experiences of others, enriching both personal and professional growth. While social media provides a space for engagement, it cannot substitute for real-time connections and conversations. At TIL, we prioritize live, interactive workshops over webinars. Each session is designed to be participatory—got a question? Pose it directly during the session and receive immediate, pertinent feedback from our expert speakers. Engage with your peers in the chat, share experiences, and ask questions like “Have you ever experienced…?” Genuine interaction is irreplaceable in building a supportive community. See and hear your colleagues in a safe, interpreter-only space.

“Thank you for all the great workshops you organize. Not only do they make us better professionals, they provide us with a space to meet other interpreters.”
Yone – Member since 2021

TIL was forged in 2012 from a vision to elevate and provide a network for interpreters in community environments, addressing a clear need for a collaborative and dynamic space. Our initiatives are shaped by the day-to-day challenges faced by these professionals, and we strive to offer relevant programs that have an impact, and which foster professional development. When you join TIL, you not only benefit from tangible products and services, but you gain access to a community of strong, supportive peers.


*Dean, Robyn & Pollard Jr, Robert. (2009). Consumers and Service Effectiveness in Interpreting Work: A Practice Profession Perspective. 10.1093/acprof/9780195176940.003.0011.

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